(Statue of Luang Poo Tuad at Wat Prayong Gittivararam)
Also called “Luang Poo Tuad who transformed sea water into drinking water”
Gatha: This Gatha is usually chanted to respect Luagn Poo Tuad.
First recite 3 times: Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambudhassa
Namo Bodhisatto Akantimaya Iti Bhagava (usually 9 times)
Born: 3 March 1582 (Buddhist Era 2125)
Birthplace: Ban Liab, Diluang, Stingphra, Songkhla
Samanera Ordintation: Age 15
Monks Ordination: Age 20
Death: 2 March 1682 (Buddhist Era 2225)
Age: 99 years
Utterances of Luang Poo Tuad
Dhamma from the Heart
Speak much – much is lost; speak little – little is lost; don’t speak – nothing is lost; still – is the Bodhisattva.
Letting go – brings Peacefulness
Everything in this world is in the flow of impermanence, suffering, non-self. Everything in this world will fade away, non-attachment is non-suffering, letting everything go will bring peace.
Human nature
A mountain can be brought down by humans but far more difficult it is to overcome defilements.
Life is suffering
Human Life – if you consider it precious – it is precious; if you don’t consider it as precious – then it is not. Suffering starts, when you wake up in the morning. You have to wash your face and hands, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth. Then you have to eat and digest, this is bodily suffering. You have to leave home and put up with colleagues and community life. You face problems and suffering and all sorts of stress just to make your living.
As the rivers, sea and ocean have never ending water; the defilements of humans are endless.
Ending Suffering
If you do not want to experience unnecessary suffering, you have to decide not to get too much involved with social life – but stay to yourselves. You have to look at things and situations and decide what has to be done and what should be discarded.
What is more difficult than birth?
It is not difficult to be born, but to live life is much more difficult, so we have to contemplate how to make our life worth living.
Possessions cause distress
Suffering arises for humans because they are attached to their possessions; they are attached to friends, community and country and think it is a refuge –because they do not have the Dhamma in their heart. All humans are born from their kamma, they have to live their life facing the results of that kamma.
If humans are selfish, only looking for their own good, then they will fight and kill each other. So you should consider what brings happiness to humanity and do this in accordance with the Dhamma.
Good Life
If you want to live a good life you should avoid attachment, avoid liking and disliking, try to watch your emotions and stay calm when they arise. Stay above praise and blame, above success and failure, above love and hatred.
Dhamma in your Heart
Having Dhamma in your heart, you stay above emotions; you understand your duty as a human being. You do what should be done without expecting results, knowing that if you have expectations that are not fulfilled – you will suffer.
A Great Being
You are not a great being by birth, or education, greatness is shown by your ability to guard your senses and emotions and by giving opportunities to others.
Such a being will not be moved by praise or blame.
Knowing that we are born out of kamma, live in accordance with our kamma, do everything because of kamma and will die because of kamma, then we should live our life happy and joyfully.
The World or the Supramundane
Whoever follows the supramundane path – won’t go the worldly path. It is very difficult to attain to the supramundane if you follow the worldly path – why? Lord Buddha wouldn’t have abandoned his throne to become an ascetic if he could have succeeded by following the worldly way and simultaneously attaining to the supramundane.
It is impossible to follow both paths at the same time. You have to decide with firm mind which path you want to follow and then do it.
Sincere Follower of the Lord Buddha
Contemplate the body in the body; contemplate the dhamma in the dhamma; contemplates the mind in the mind – as they really are; Then you are a sincere follower of the Lord Buddha.
Stop to consider
If humans have nothing to do in a place alone, then their mind tends to get distracted and starts to worry. Meditation is not thinking – stop all consideration and only contemplate the power of morality, concentration and wisdom and you will find the truth of Dhamma.
Everything arises from a cause. If there is a cause there will be a result. Every result has its cause. If we ponder on this and understand it then we really touch the heart of Buddhism.
Giving donations is an outward giving.
Chanting is giving from inside. Giving from inside is more powerful then giving outside, because it is giving energy from the mind which can be received not just by humans.
Doing things with a peaceful mind
Meritorious deeds or whatever else you need to do – do them with a peaceful mind. Don’t do things with a hot mind – a hot mind will only lead you into disaster. If you need to do something and you realize that you have a hot mind, better stop doing it. Sit down and calm your mind first. If the mind is calm – wisdom arises and you can do anything smoothly and easily.
Be mindful and alert
Whatever you do be mindful and alert. Don’t let anger or emotions control your mind. Don’t let meaningless personal issues distort reality.
Mind is important
If you do a meritorious deed, do it with a pure mind and out of faith. The result of such a deed will be far beyond expectation.
Warning to Humanity
Those who only care for their own work to be done – will soon not have any more work to do.
Those who only care of their own belongings – will soon not have anything they can call their own.
Those who only think of sleeping – will soon not be able to sleep anymore.
Seeing yourself
Be it by night or day – find 5 or 10 minutes without communication with anyone, sit alone and contemplate what you did all day long. Try to find this time for yourself, thinking of the things you have done and don’t think about others. Most humans waste a lot of time thinking about others but never contemplate themselves.