Loving-Kindness Meditation
A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema
Will you please put the attention on the breath for just a few moments.
Look into your heart and see whether there is any…
What is Meditation?
Jörg Dittmar interviews Acharn Tippakorn for the video "What is Meditation?" (Translation Brigitte Schrottenbacher)
What is meditation (in short)?
One calms the mind by fixing one's attention…
Using Meditation to deal with pain, illness and death
(A talk given to a conference on AIDS, HIV and other Immune-deficiency Disorders in Long Beach, CA, Nov. 13, 1993)
by Thanissaro Bhikkhu…
The Basic Method of Meditation
By Acharn Brahmavamso
“The goal of this meditation is the beautiful silence,
Stillness and clarity”
Meditation is the way to achieve letting go. In meditation one…
A Short Meditation Instruction
Sit down comfortably. You can sit cross-legged on the floor or even on a chair. Put your right hand on top of the left hand on…