Buddha's teachings offer guidance on making decisions with an unenlightened mind, recognizing that most people are not fully enlightened. The Buddha emphasized mindfulness, wisdom, and ethical conduct as essential principles…
Questions from participants to MC Brigitte during the retreat from 01 to 07 November 2022 at Sorn Thawee Meditation Center, Thailand. Part 2
What does it mean to identify with…
Questions from participants to MC Brigitte during the retreat from 01 to 07 November 2022 at Sorn Thawee Meditation Center, Thailand. Part 1
What books should I read during a…
Equanimity is the last of the ten parami of Buddhism. When we develop uppekha parami, it's a feeling of being above and not being involved with things around us. But…
Metta parami, or the perfection of loving-kindness is the ninth of the ten paramis of Buddhist practice. What is loving-kindness? It is the deep wish we have that all beings…
Determination or aditthana in Sanskrit is a very important part of mental cultivation. Without determination, it would not be possible to accomplish any goals. Aditthana is accompanied by effort…
Sacca Parami or the perfection of truthfulness is the seventh of the ten perfections to be practiced in Buddhism. The perfection of truthfulness follows the perfection of patience…
Khanti parami, or the perfection of patience, is the sixth of the ten paramis. In Buddhist literature, khanti is described as forbearance, tolerance, and forgiveness. While practising the perfection of…