The Five Precepts
Are there any commandments for a Buddhist to observe?
There are no commandments but precepts to observe.
What is the Pali word for precept?
What does it mean?
It means discipline or good behaviour.
What is the first precept?
The first precept is not to kill.
What is the second precept?
The second precept is not to steal.
What is the third precept?
The third precept is not to have sexual misconduct.
What is the fourth precept?
The fourth precept is not to lie.
What is the fifth precept?
The fifth precept is not to drink liquor or take drugs, which leads to carelessness.
Give the first precept in Pali.
Panatipata veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.
What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up killing.
Give the second precept in Pali.
Adinnadana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.
What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up stealing.
Give the third precept in Pali.
Kamesumicchacara veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.
What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up sexual misconduct.
Give the fourth precept in Pali.
Musavada veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.
What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up lying.
Give the fifth precept in Pali.
Surameraya majjapamadatthana veramani sikkhapadam samadiyami.
What does it mean?
I take the precept to give up drinking liquor and taking substances, which lead, to infatuation and carelessness.
How does one become a good Buddhist?
By observing these five precepts well.
Why do you not kill?
I do not kill out of compassion for others.
What is the good of giving up killing?
Every being loves its life like we do killing brings suffering to them and so to ourselves as well.
Why do you not steal?
I do not steal because I have no right to take what is not given.
What is the good of giving up stealing?
I become honest and will not be deprived from my own property by others.
Why do you not indulge in sexual misconduct?
I do not indulge in sexual misconduct because it leads to suffering for those involved and myself.
What is the good of giving up sexual misconduct?
It will protect families’ from breaking up.
Why do you not lie?
I do not lie because nobody would then believe me.
What is the good of giving up lying?
I become truthful and trustful and there will be no quarrelling without having wrong speech.
Why do you not drink liquor or take drugs?
I do not drink and take drugs because it leads to carelessness and loss of a sense of shame.
What is the good of giving up drinking?
I become very careful and my senses become very clear and so I will not bring others or myself into dangerous situations (i. e. when driving a car drunken).