( YO SO) bhagava araham sammasambuddho
To the Blessed One, the Lord who fully attained perfect enlightenment,
Svakkhato yena bhagavata dhammo
The Teaching which he expounded so well,
Supatipanno yassa bhagavato savakasangho
And to the Blessed One’s disciples who have practiced well –
Tammayam bhagavantam sadhammam sasangham
To these – the Buddha, the Dhamma and the Sangha –
Imehi sakkarehi yatharaham aropitehi abhipujayam
We render with offerings our rightful homage.
Sadhu no bhante bhagava suciraparinibbutopi
It is well for us, Blessed One, that having attained liberation,
Pacchima janata nukampamanasa
You still had compassion for later generations.
ime sakkare duggata pannakara bhute patigganhatu
Deign to accept these simple offerings
Amhakang digharattam hitaya sukaya
For our long-lasting benefit and for the happiness it gives us.
( Araham) sammasambuddho bhagava, Buddham bhagavantam abhivademi
The Lord, the Perfectly Enlightened and Blessed One – I render homage to the Buddha.
( Svakhkato ) bhagavata dhammo, Dhammam namassa
The Teaching so completely explained by him – I bow to the Dhamma.
( Supatipanno ) bhagavato savakasangho, -Sangham namami
The Blessed One’s disciples who have practiced well – I bow to the Sangha.
(Handa mayam buddhassa bhagavato pubbabhaganamakram karomase)
[Namo tassa] bhagavato arahato sammasambuddhassa
Homage to the Blessed, the Noble and Perfectly Enlightened One.
(three times)
(Handa mayam buddhabhigutim karomase)
[Yo so] tathagato araham sammasambuddho
The Tathagata is the Noble Lord, the Perfectly Enlightened One;
He is impeccable in conduct and understanding,
the Serene One,
the Knower of the Worlds;
Anuttaro purisadammasarathi
he trains perfectly those who wish to be trained;
sattha devamanussanam
he is Teacher of gods and men;
buddho bhagava
he is Awake and Holy.
Yo imam lokam sadevakam samarakam sabrahmakam
Sassamanabrahmanim pajam sadevamanussam sayam abhinna sacchikatva pavedesi
In this world with its gods, demons and kind spirits, its seekers and sages, celestial and human beings, he has by deep insight revealed the Truth.
Yo dhammam desesi
He has pointed out the Dhamma:
beautiful in the beginning,
beautiful in the middle,
beautiful in the end.
Sattham sabyalijanam kevalaparipunnam parisuddham brahmacariyam pakasesi
He has explained the spiritual life of complete purity in its essence and conventions.
Tamaham bhagavantam abhipujayami
I chant my praise to the Blessed One,
tamaham bhagavantam sirasanamami
I bow my head to the Blessed One.
-Bow –
(Handa mayam dhammabhikhutim karomase)
[Yo so] savakkhato bhagavata dhammo
The Dhamma is well-expounded by the Blessed One
Apparent here and now,
encouraging investigation
Leading to liberation
paccattam veditabbo vinnuhi
to be experienced individually by the wise
Tamaham dhammam abhipujayami
I chant my praise to this Teaching
tamaham dhammam sirasa namami
I bow my head to this Truth.-Bow-
(Handa mayam sanghabhikutim karomase)
[Yo so] supatipanno bhagavato savakasangho
They are the Blessed One’s disciples who have practiced well,
Ujupatipanno bhagavato savakasangho
Who have practiced directly
Nayapatipanno bhagavato savakasangho
Who have practiced insightfully
Samicipatipanno bhagavato savakasangho
Those who are accomplished in the practice
That is the four pairs,
cattari purisayugani attha purisapuggala
the eight kinds of noble beings,
Esa bhagavato savakasarigho
These are the Blessed One’s disciples
Such ones are worthy of gifts
worthy of hospitality
worthy of offerings
worthy of respect
Anuttaram punnakkhettam lokassa
They give occasion for incomparable goodness to arise in the world
Tamaham sangham abhipujayami
I chant my praise to this Sangha
tamaham sangham sirasanamami
I bow my head to this Sangha
(Handa mayam ratanattayappanamagathayo ceva samvegaparikittanapathanca bhanamase)
[Buddho susuddho karunamahanavo]
The Buddha, absolutely pure, with ocean-like compassion,
Yoccanta suddhab barananalocano
Possessing the clear sight of wisdom
Lokassa papupakilesa ghatako
Destroyer of worldly self-corruption
Vandami buddham ahamadarena tam
Devotedly indeed, that Buddha I revere
Dhammo padipo viya tassa satthuno
The Teaching of the Lord, like a lamp,
Yo magga paka mata bheda bhinnako
Illuminating the Path and its Fruit:
Lokuttaro yo ca tadatthadipano
the Deathless – that which is beyond the conditioned world
Vandami dhammam ahamadarena tam
Devotedly indeed, that Dhamma I revere.
Sangho sukhetta bhyati khetta sannito
The Sangha, the most fertile ground for cultivation
Yo ditthasanto sugatanubodhako
Those who have realized Peace, awakened after the Serene One
Lolappahino ariyo sumedhaso
Noble and wise, all clinging destroyed
Vandami sangham ahamadarena tam
Devotedly indeed, that Sangha I revere
Icceva mekant abhipujaneyyakam
This salutation should be made
Vatthutthayam vandayatabhi sankhatam
To that which is worthy
Punnam maya yam mama sabbupaddava
Through the power of such good action
Ma hontu ve tassa pabhava siddhiya
May all obstacles disappear
Idha tathagato loke uppanno
One who knows things as they are has come into this world
araham sammasambuddho
and he is an Arahant, a perfectly awakened being.
Dhammo ca desito niyyaniko upasamiko parinibbaniko
sambodhagami sugatappavedito
Purifying the way leading out of delusion, calming and directing to perfect peace, and leading to enlightenment – this he has made known.
Mayantam dhammam sutva evam janama
Having heard the Teaching, We know this:
Jatipi dukkha
Birth is dukkha
jarapi dukkha
ageing is dukkha
maranampi dukkham
and death is dukkha;
Soka parideva dukkha domanas supuyasapi dukkha
Sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair are dukkha
Appiyehi sampayogo dukkho
Association with the disliked is dukkha;
piyehi vippayogo dukkho
separation from the liked is dukkha;
Yampiccham na labhati tampi dukkham
Not attaining one’s wishes is dukkha
Sankhittena pancupadanak khandha dukkha
In brief, the five focuses of the grasping mind are dukkha
These are as follow:
Rupupadanak khando
Identification with the body
Vedanupadanak khando
Identification with feeling
Sannupadanak khando
Identification with perception
Sankharupadanak khando
Identification with volition
Vinnanupadanak khando
Identification with consciousness
Yesam parinnaya
For the complete understanding of this
Dharamano so bhagava
The Blessed One, in his lifetime
Evam bahulam savake vineti
Frequently instructed his disciples in just this way.
Evam bhaga ca panassa bhagavato savakesu anusasani bahula pavattati
In addition, he further instructed:
Rupam aniccam
The body is impermanent
Vedana anicca
Feeling is impermanent
Sanna anicca
Perception is impermanent
Sankhrara anicca
Volition is impermanent
Vinnanam aniccam
Consciousness is impermanent
Rupam anatta
The body is not self
Vedana anatta
Feeling is not self
Sanna anatta
Perception is not self
Sankara anatta
Volition is not self
Vinnanam anatta
Consciousness is not self
Sabbe sangkara anicca
All conditions are transient
Sabbe dhamma anattati
There is no self in the created or the uncreated
Te mayam otinnamha
All of us
Are bound by birth
ageing and death
Sokhehi paridevehi dukkhehi domanassehi upayasehi
By sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair
Bound by dukkha
and obstructed by dukkha
Appevanamimassa kevalassa dukkhak khandhassa antakiriya
let us all aspire to complete freedom from suffering
the following is chanting only by the monks and novices:
Ciraparinibbutampi tatam bhagavantam uddissa arahantam samma sambuddham
Remembering that Blessed One, the Noble Lord and Perfectly Enlightened One, who long ago attained Parinibbana
Saddha agarasma anagariyam pabbajita
We have gone forth with faith from home to homelessness
Tasmim bhagavati brahmacariyam carama
And like the Blessed One, we practice the Holy Life
Bhikkhunam sikkhasajivasamapanna
Being fully equipped with the bhikkhus’ system of training
Tam no brahmacariyam imassa kevalassa dukkhak khandassa antakiriyaya samvattatu
May this Holy Life lead us to the end of this whole mass of suffering
(Handamayam pattidanagathayo bhanama se)
Yadevata santi viha ravasini
The Devatas which dwell in the Vihara,
thupe ghare bodhighare tahim tahim
in the Stupa, in the Bodhi tree,
Ta dhammadanena bhavantu pujita
Those Devatas we have worshiped with sacrificial objects.
Sotthim karontedha viharamandale,
may they grant happiness in the circle of this Vihara.
Thera ca majjha navaka ca bhikkhavo
Bhikkhus who are Therras, those of middle rank, those who have just become Bhikkhus,
Saramika danapati upasaka,
Lay men and Lay women of good breeding
Gama ca desa nigama ca issara
Temple dwellers, all householders, country-men, villagers, those who are chieftains,
Sappanabhuta sukhita bhavantute,
may they and all creatures attain happiness
Jalabuja yepi ca andasambhava
May all creatures whether born from water
Samsedajata athavopapatica,
from an egg, from sweat, or from the womb
Niyyanikam dhammavaram paricca te
May they have the precious Dhamma which leads to the good way
Sabbepi dukkhassa karontu sankhayam,
may it bring an end to suffering
Thatu ciram satam dhammo dhammaddhara ca puggala
May the Dhamma of good people long abide and may people who observe the Dhamma live long
Sangho hotu samaggova atthaya ca hitaya ca
May the Sangha be ever ready to bring benefits and assistance
Amhe rakkhatu saddhammo sabbepi dhammacarino
May the good Dhamma protect us all and care for all who keep the Dhamma.
Vudhim sampapuneyyama dhamme ariyappavedite
May we all progress in the Dhamma which the Ariya has made manifest
Pasanna hontu sabbepi pannino buddhasasane
May all beings have faith in the Teachings of the Buddha
Samma dharam pavecchanto kale devo pavassatu
may it rain in time after properly bestowing showers
Vadhibhibhavatya sattanam samiddham netu medanim
may the earth, for the prosperity of beings bring them success
Mata pita ca atrajam niccam rakkhanti puttakam
as a mother and father always protect their own child
Evam dhammena rajano pajam rakkhantu sabbada.
so according to the Dhamma, may the Kings always protect their subjects.